Title : The Eyeballs Heist Brand / Service : Netflix Advertiser / Client : Netflix BG: Bangkok is a highly dense city with a population of 10.72 million. This City of Angels is also ranked 8th worst traffic in the world where an average Bangkokian spends at least 64 hours a year in traffic. This makes Out of home media in Bangkok expensive and at prime locations, it could take up to a year to book although guaranteeing millions of eyeballs every single day. Netflix Thailand, the most popular streaming service in Thailand wanted to make a huge impact for the launch of Money Heist: Korea Joint Economic Area. The remake of the popular Spanish Netflix series is set to be a mega hit as it masterly tells the story of a group of thieves plotting an ambitious robbery. Idea: Netflix presents 'The Eyeballs Heist' the OOH that turned other brand billboard into our and heist people's eyeballs from them. By targeting the existing brand’s OOH media on all prime locations around the town and covering those other brands billboard, MRT light box, and local sign board with a special material that tailored made for each brand and locations with the message ‘This billboard is heisted’. Strategy: Money Heist: Korea Joint Economic Area. The remake of the popular Spanish Netflix series is set to be a mega-hit as it masterly tells the story of a group of thieves plotting an ambitious robbery. The show is famous for the unexpected heist plot using the strategy of the Professor, the mastermind of the series. So, if you want to do a campaign to promote the show. You need to think like Professor himself. By creating a plan aimed at the most valuable and the most expensive thing in our industry, "Consumer's attention" in an unexpected way that no one will ever expect. In order to be able to gain a massive impact on society. Thinking like a mastermind, why buy billboards when you can heist them? With so much time and eyeballs glued to any location all around Bangkok, Netflix Thailand robbed major billboards and out of home all over Bangkok to get all the attention on the road. And of cause when Thai society heard about the unexpected heist plot. Conversations will spark like wildfire on a social network. Execution: “The Eyeballs Heist” operation sent out robbers and took over countless out of home media - from giant billboards in prime locations to metro station ads to tuk tuk signboards. Overnight, one after another out of home advertising from major brands such as luxury real estate, gold and jewelry brand, international electrical appliances, cosmetics and FMCG brands were heisted boldly with a daring message over their ads; “This billboard got heisted”. We covered all the other brand media space with a special technique, collaborated with the fabric expert. The red fabric covered half of the billboard with the message ‘This billboard got heisted’ and left some parts for the audience to be able to notice what are the brands we heisted from. Before spinning it off onto social with KOLs, our own assets, brands channel, user channels, and influencer pages. even the NEWS channel picked it up. Result: It caught all the attention overnight! Millions of people witnessed the heist, and this operation became the talk of the town within 1-2 days. Social media and even the national news caught on this heist like wildfire with discussions, organic posts, and forums heated in debates over this daring heist questioning, “How in the world did Netflix heist all those big brands?" Well, no thief will ever reveal their secret, and Thailand’s attention got heisted successfully by Money Heist! - 10K conversations online - 11k organic shares, like, and comment - 33,575,002 eyeballs heisted from the other brands - 100 million PR value - Money Heist Korea became No.1 on Netflix overnight.