White Square | Белый Квадрат

About the Festival

International marketing and advertising festival White Square is one of the largest creative communications festivals in Europe.

In 2022, White Square will traditionally unite representatives of advertising and communication industry.  

Annually, entries from 30+ countries of the globe take part in White Square contest. 

White Square is actively supported by advertising and marketing mass media.

The jury of White Square 2022 will be represented by creative and art directors, top managers of the leading international agencies which headline creativity rankings in their markets - persons with worldwide recognition in advertising from more than 30 countries, holding tones of prestigious festival awards, including numerous Cannes Lions, and rich experience of judging at most remarkable creative festivals around the globe.  

White Square is included into Global creativity ranking AdForum Business Creative Report, Global ranking TopFice.

Agencies and prize-winners get wide promotion each year in the industrial media around the world.

Archive of previous years’ Festivals:

2021 – International advertising and marketing festival WHITE SQUARE 

2020 – XII International advertising and marketing festival WHITE SQUARE 

2019 – XI International advertising and marketing festival WHITE SQUARE