Solution of the food industry issues (hunger, ecology, health) is intertvined with formation of consumer understanding that vegetable products are not just healthy, and eco-friendly. It's a full-fledged replacement for meat products. Not only vegetarians are interested in plant-based alternatives. Nowadays creation of conditions for the switching to alternatives is getting popular. It helps to reduce the harm done to nature, improve food security. Food truck Hi! travels to cities in Russia and gives free vegan Hiburgers to people with the aim of changing their attitude to plant alternatives and it scales conscious consumption and careful attitude to the planet. HIBURGER-TOUR became the starting point in the development of the HI brand! as a captain of the plant alternatives category and as an agent of ideas of benefit and importance for the future of the planet and humanity. Large-scale digital campaign showed millions of people that it is necessary to try Highburgers. We managed to attract not only vegans, but also adherents of proper nutrition, people who are open to new things, who want to be in trend. Many of those who have never eaten plant-based alternatives have opted to introduce them into their diet. KPI society: • More than 20 million people knew about the existence of global problems and that each person can take a step towards solving them with the help of vegetable meat. • Social Impact: the vector of opinions about plant-based alternatives has changed: this is not a rejection of something and sacrifice, but a full-fledged replacement in terms of taste, price and nutritional value. Business KPIs: It is too early to talk about the results based on economic indicators, since the project was carried out at the end of the year and the effect is aimed at the long term. But today we see: • HIBURGER-TOUR is one of the largest projects in the segment, including the significant growth of the market in 2021 by 168% • market share HI! at the end of 2021 32% in physical and monetary terms, for the project period + 12 p.p. Marketing goals: • Hi brand awareness increased by 8% • increase in 3 times of consumers with a purchase frequency of at least 2 times a month • growth of intent to buy increased by 6% Communication purposes: • Coverage of 20 million people • 5 thousand HIburgers were eaten (our Moscow guests weren't afraid even of -25C frost). • more than 30 publications in the media and public • growth of subscribers 50% KPIs achieved are not just numbers on paper, these are the people who heard our voice.