The A3 format calendar telling us about the advertising technologies of tomorrow is made as reproduction of cartoon graphics posters. Cartoon stylizations feature bright emotional characters, each with its own image - all in all, 12 stories whose characters use hi-tech achievements in everyday life. A futuristic calendar telling us about the technologies of tomorrow, which will soon become our new reality, has been treated like a kind of textbook from the school of magic and sorcery so far. Courier drones, talking things, deepfakes, eco-passports, and even lightbulb jellyfish accompanied by hypotheses in the edutainment format can be found on the calendar pages: complex scientific and technical innovations in simple and exciting language. The mockup is designed in dark colors to give more “glow” to technology and digitalization. Complimentary colors are used to achieve a uniform style. Cartoon drawings evoke positive emotions and a kind smile. 1. The Project is to demonstrate to the auditorium the MOTIVE expertise in terms of innovations, advertisement, and marketing. It also aims to reinforce the brand’s positions within the territory of the future and foresight technologies 2. The Project is to attract new clients through its attention-capturing educational content. 3. The Project is to emphasize the MOTIVE’s creativity and the ability of its team to address the most demanding challenges ensuring that communication with partners remains smooth. We used calendars as personal gifts to our current and potential clients and additionally we took some steps to scale this project up, i.e. We arranged for media coverage to create awareness about the project for our target audience; We arranged for some social media activities (including those that involve contest mechanics), - our calendar generated huge feedback; many people wish to receive it as a gift or even to buy it. This is why it is a dream gift for our social media followers who take part in our engaging contest! Project Results: What is it we believe to be the principal result? To us, the principal result is the increased social media organic reach as our followers were happy to interact with such a bright and interesting content (250+ reactions). Lots of positive feedback from our fellow tradesmen, partners and clients. By the way, after our calendar project some of our current and new clients have placed 3 more orders. Though perhaps the best result that we arrived at was the great new-year’s mood that we gave to everyone who received our calendar.