European Packaging Design Association is diverse member agencies come from more than 10 different countries, they are open to all generations, sizes & types of agencies. EPDA provides a platform to exchange, to network, and to learn together by involving different stakeholders of the branding & packaging value chain. EPDA events run to face-to-face, physical conferences per year on business-relevant topics in European cities from Helsinki to Barcelona and Portugal to Warsaw. EPDA invites great personalities of the design business to inspire association members and brand owners to share their perspectives with professionals. EPDA runs workshops among designers and with our partners from the industry. And EPDA gives plenty of opportunities to network, exchange and to socialise. EPDA believes in personal contact with peers as a source of inspiration to develop our businesses and to foster mutual understanding of partners in the branding & packaging design business. The two combined capsules represent the mutual responsibility — key moment for the connection between professionals in the field of design, love — a good attitude to colleagues, creativity — simple and effective solutions, and openness — no fear of expressing thoughts. The bright colors create the spirit of the association’s moto: we share, we dare, we shine. The identity conveys the ultimate message understood equally in any language: sharing and bonding are at the very heart of EPDA’s essence. Connecting helps building a collective culture and reinforcing the sense of community and friendship.