From generation to generation, parents in Russia do not hesitate to make rude remarks to their children in public, but with the development of psychotherapy this cycle can be broken. We just need to learn how to listen. In the «Naughty» project we wanted to attract adults’ attention to the quality of communication with their children: toxic words can make the child form negative attitudes about themselves and the world and lead to mental issues. There is an alternative to traumatic words and this language can be learned. For implementation, we have selected two like-minded partners: Alter — an online service for the selection of psychologists and Sloooshai project — they listen to the people of Moscow, put their phrases on stickers and leave it in the spots where those words were heard. Stickers were our key instrument for communication: for Mother’s Day, we pasted paired stickers with quotes on the facades of buildings in Moscow and St. Petersburg in the places where they were heard. Sticker 1 — toxic words of a parent, sticker 2 — translation of phrases from psychologists and a QR code on the project’s landing page. On the landing page we published phrase analysis by psychologists and recommendations for building healthy communication. The project was supported by posts on Instagram, Telegram channels and online media. We sent out press releases to online media and were very open to interacting with journalists. We used the same principle to work with micromedia and influencers on Instagram in order to reach a more advanced audience of prospecting parents. As a result, the advertising campaign at a cost of 100,000 rubles received a PR value of 3.6 million, covered 13 million people and confirmed that you can get into the hearts by the power of an idea, and not by huge budgets for promotion.