"Spasibo!" is an organization operating on the principles of social entrepreneurship. Under the name "Spasibo!"merged charitable stores, a network of containers in St. Petersburg, where you can donate unwanted clothes, and the Distribution Center, where those in need can get things for free. In connection with the brand's focus on the youth audience and in connection with the opening of new stores, we updated the identity and developed a flexible system of visual communications, the basis of which was the brand's new bright intonation and a new recognizable logo and new typeface. The basis of the idea of the new identity was the principle of donation-giving and creating more from small separate parts. In the image of a visual metaphor — a circle, as a kind of whole, which becomes the basis for the drawing of bold, confident letters in the "Spasibo!" logo. By doing good, we give a piece of ourselves to someone who really needs it. The sign is half of the circle, part of the whole, as metaphors for love, care, and warmth, which we are ready to share. In the typography of corporate media, we use the characteristic "brave" display as the main style element. Together with the logo, brand book for the brand "Spasibo!" we have developed a typeface — Spasibo Sans. As a result of the work done, the stores have acquired a bright recognizable style, containers have become more visible in the city, the brand's audience has become wider, and the number of collaborations with well-known brands has increased significantly.