SLOWMO. Slow the time. Enjoy the moment The lack of time for themselves is one of the hugest problems for people living in todays modern cities. They are trapped in a turnover of business tasks, traffic jams, family affairs and other daily routine. So when they come to a beauty salon they want not only a good beauty service, but also the slow and special time for themselves. Slowing the time has a double meaning in beauty and cosmetology. People try to stay young and good looking as long as they can by means of modern beauty technologies. And at the same time they enjoy slowing down in a relax atmosphere of a salon. SLOWMO is a brand for a beauty and cosmetology salon. Its name gives the key to the main idea which is fully conveyed in the identity. The unique typography of the logo gives the feeling of stretching and extending. The natural colors immerse us into the fascinating relax of a summer wood. The identity is elegant and meaningful, involving and upstanding, just as a modern good look should be.