Moscow Transport is a huge system used by millions of people every day. To make communication with its users clear and convenient, a new system was developed, including a visual style, message templates and an editorial policy. The 14 divisions of Moscow Transport have logos united by a common element, an image of a map marker. To modernize the logos, we revised the layout of the elements and updated the typeface, making the symbols more balanced and modern in appearance. To help transport companies look visually uniform and produce announcements quickly, we created a system that allows to assemble messages using ready-made blocks. There's no need to waste time working on layout or customization for different media. Automated templates allow station employees, even those unfamiliar with the software, to produce announcements in a uniform style. Information, service and advertising materials were placed on all media of Moscow Transport divisions (billboards, posters, banners, stickers), as well as on the vehicles themselves. Messages in the new style were also posted to company accounts on social networks. For the first time in the history of Moscow Transport, communication is built around the idea of a useful action for the passenger. Now every poster, announcement and message does something useful for passengers. Instead of banning and forbidding, they help solve a problem.