Smart Fuel is our new digital aircraft refueling platform which allows one to make instant payments for air refueling. This reduces the time for mutual settlements between the fuel supplier and the airline from 4–5 days to 15 seconds. Our task was to tell a mass audience about the Smart Fuel platform without using a large marketing budget. We designed the text of the press release in a visual format, including a fragment of the "Digital Twins" art project by the famous media artist Maxim Zhestkov. Next, we turned the press release into an NFT and placed it on the OpenSea marketplace, organized a number of publications in thematic Telegram channels related to technology and cryptocurrency. We estimate the total coverage of our campaign at 16.3M, including 33 publications in traditional media (9.1M in coverage), 153 mentions in social media (5.6M in coverage) and 80 mentions across influential Telegram channels (total audience estimated at 1.6M).