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Bedtime Fairy Tales about peer violence

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Audio fairy tales


Background: With their special themed stories, the Bedtime Fairy Tales platform has been helping children to discover themselves and the world around them for many years. Fairy tales cover relevant topics, which can help parents upbring more compassionate adults. Challenge: For an audio fairy tale platform that has existed since 2016 it is important to always stay relevant to its listeners. So, for the new season, Bedtime Fairy Tales created fairy tales that address peer violence which can occur already in preschool. A pressing issue, that is often more extensive and crueler than we can imagine. Target audience: We targeted not only parents and children, but most importantly preschool teachers where violence most commonly occurs. Objectives: We wanted to teach the children how to act in situations that include peer violence. On the other hand, we wanted to give teachers and parents insight on how to recognize violence and how to act upon it. Insight: Fairy tales can be a powerful teaching tool, so we used the existing format within platform Bedtime Fairy Tales to teach children about peer violence. Solution: We created a special series of fairy tales. The main character in all five fairy tales is a brave rabbit, Zaupko, who takes on the role of an ally and confidant of the other characters, and thus of the children listening to the fairy tales. With the help of a child psychologist, we created some additional tools that can spark conversations between children and adults. Each fairy tale is accompanied by additional illustrations with questions that help children express their own experiences. The fairy tales were promoted on social media, through other major digital media and print publications for children and parents, while a poster presenting the project was sent to Slovene kindergartens. Results: Over 3.400 groups of preschools also received a themed poster which served as a conversation starter. In this way, Fairy tales about peer violence reached more than 50.000 children across Slovenia.