White Square | Белый Квадрат




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In 2012, the Kremlin authorities invented a way to control nonprofit organizations and independent media. The Foreign Agent Law. In 2014, there were just 11 organizations in the list. The number has been growing in an outrageously rapid manner. In 2021, there were over 280 foreign agents in Russia. According to government rhetoric, foreign agents are equal to enemies of the people. As enemies, they lose all their commercial contracts and financing, and are legally obliged to undergo non-stop state audits. If they fail to conform, they are to be shut down. Each of their public posts have to be labeled by a mark twice bigger than the headline copy. Together with OVD-Info, an independent human rights project (also a Foreign agent), we wanted to turn this stigma into a mechanism of mutual help. A user can download ANTI-marking, a browser plug-in that transforms the message on the bar into an invitation to support and donate to various organizations from the list of the foreign agents. Two weeks after the launch of ANTImarking, the authorities decided to redesign the Foreign Agent legislation. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/unlabelling/eldfkpmlpefcdeafbenjhelmdiggejhg