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Kinbery — family GPS tracker


The Kinbery app is a beeline family locator designed to simplify communication between family members. The main feature of the application is caring and friendly nature. For the identity, we came up with funny characters and took them as the basis of the concept. They became a family of humanoid “weirdos” of pencil drawing, so that the application was closer to the younger target audience. The application logo is an arrow pointing to the location of one of the family members and forming a man. It was also the main style-forming element, with the help of which a recognizable pattern was obtained. We decided to use the dot from the sign as part of the identity, which indicates the location of the main characters of communication, both living people and characters. As a result, the identity was distributed into 3 communication territories: the territory of the arrow, the territory of the family of "weirdos" and their common territory. They go consistently and gradually introduce and immerse the user in the product. The arrow is used in classical advertising communication, where it is necessary to convey the essence of the product to the consumer as quickly and clearly as possible. Together they exist on social networks and reveal the nature of the product through the empathy of the characters. And in the application itself, the "weirdos" accompany the user all the way and carefully help to better understand the application interface.